Download Post-Operative instructions

Activity: Please limit the patient's activity to a minimum. A quiet day watching TV or reading books is best. The patient has not recovered his/her balance fully and may fall and hurt him/herself during rigorous activities. Adult patients are not allowed to drive or operate dangerous machinery. A designated driver is required to be present at start and end of the procedure. If the patient decides to sleep, make sure someone is watching so the patient doesn't get up and fall.

Pain: During the procedure, the anesthesiologist may give a pain reliever, called Toradol® (ketorolac), through an IV. The patient should continue to be comfortable for the next 4 to 6 hours after the procedure. Toradol is a NSAID just like aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin®, Advil®) and naproxen (Aleve®). If the patient does feel pain afterward, do not give the same class of drugs again during those 4 to 6 hours. Instead, you can use acetaminophen (Tylenol®) or other painkiller that your dentist has prescribed to your child. After the initial 4 to 6 hours, the patient may take ibuprofen or naproxen, which are better pain relievers for dental pain, as instructed by your dentist.

Diet: Limit the patient's intake until the car ride is over. There's a good chance that motion can cause nausea and vomiting if the stomach has any food or large amounts of liquid. Once the patient is comfortably home, he/she may have some clear fluids. If the patient tolerates the clear fluids, he/she may go on to more solid food. Applesauce, yogurt, popsicles, scrambled eggs and soups are good choices to start with. If the patient doesn't feel like eating, don't force food on him/her. By nighttime, he/she may likely start eating normally, but stay away from greasy food.

Nausea and Vomiting: Nausea and vomiting may occur during the first 24 hours. If the symptoms persist beyond 24 hours, please call or page Dr. Brian Huang.

Fever: The patient may experience a slight fever. A drug called glycopyrrolate may have been used during the procedure, which inhibits secretions to prevent excess liquid in the oral cavity. It also helps prevent laryngospasms and helps the dentist have a clean field to work in. One of the side effects of the drug, however, is decreased ability to sweat. If the patient stays in a cool, comfortable setting and engages in quiet activities, he/she will be less likely to overheat. Signs of overheating are a flushed face and the body may feel warm to the touch. The proper treatment is to use some water mist or to play with water in the bathtub to cool down the patient. This symptom may last approximately 6 hours.

Lips: The lips may look swollen if the dental procedures were long. This is caused by prolonged stretching of the mouth. The swelling should decrease within 24 hours

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